Tue, 15 Oct 2013, 9:14 +02:00 from Martin Bagge / brother:
>On 2013-10-15 00:03, Andrej N. Gritsenko wrote:
>>> Bob Bib has written on Monday, 14 October, at 21:35:
>>> I'm adding  gi...@ubuntu.com to recipients, and would ask to release new
>>> version of lxappearance-obconf (0.2.1 or 0.3.0 by your choice) so we can
>>> release fixed one into debian too. Thank you very much.
>>     I was wrong. It should be asked not to Julien Lavergne but to Martin
>> Bagge instead. I'm sorry. (I really should sleep better to not make so
>> many mistakes!)
>Looks like I will have a productive evening indeed.

Thanks, what a nice package set!
(Especially long-awaited release of gpicview with proper scrolling).

Did you really mean menu-cache?
There's some 0.5.1 version freshly released on 2013-10-09:

Best wishes, Bob

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