On Sun, Mar 04, 2018 at 05:50:15PM +0100, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> >> I don't think a rant posted on reddit by the author of a fork
> >> is justified enough to ask for a package to be removed from
> >> the archive.
> > 
> > The author posted his opinion to his personal blog and did not
> > directly start the reddit discussion. Also, that author is the subject
> > matter expert here and I think we should give due deference to his
> > understanding of the security issues present in xchat for which he did
> > not seek CVE designations.
> If he is an expert, why didn't he even bother posting a single valid
> example where xchat is insecure and posing a risk to its users.
> If there are valid vulnerabilities, it shouldn't a problem to list
> them.

So in response to this request, I have contacted TingPing regarding his
claims, to try and clarify which security issues he has found in XChat
during the maintenance of hexchat. He was kind enough to respond
with a few examples.

He pointed at 4 recent commits fixing remote crashes when connecting to
an untrusted IRC server:


Those have been discovered by fuzzing and are generally not possible to
trigger by other users but could be abused by a hostile server to
trigger a crash in Xchat. In general, he said that most issues were
"mostly" in that domain, but he doesn't exclude crashes triggered by
other users which would be more worrisome.

I hope this answers the demand of proving the claims of security issues
more clearly.
Have a nice day!


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