Hi Axel,

Adam Borowski <kilob...@angband.pl> writes:

> On Sat, Oct 06, 2018 at 02:40:22PM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
>> Package: openrc
>> Version: 0.34-3
>> Severity: grave
>> Justification: renders package unusable
>> I just installed Debian Buster/Sid from scratch on a GPD Pocket 1 and
>> then switched from systemd to OpenRC.

Thank you for raising this up.  Are you using openrc with sysvinit-core?

>> Since then, /home (on LVM on LUKS), /boot and /boot/efi (i.e. anything
>> from /etc/fstab except the root file system) are no more mounted
>> automatically despite they're listed in /etc/fstab and "mount -a"
>> mounts them without issues.
> It works for continously upgraded systems.  I can't check a fresh one anytime
> soon (explanation below), but it appears that installing a new daemon[1]
> doesn't properly register it for requested runlevels (you can still run
> update-rc.d to fix that).  Not sure if this is the cause, would need to look
> more.  Too bad, init-system-helpers didn't have an update in almost two
> months so the culprit might be something else.
> Benda: could you please take a look?  The package being unusable on new
> systems sounds pretty urgent...

@Adam, acknowledged.  I do need to look more closely into OpenRC, to get
it well prepared for buster.

>> Swap hasn't been activated by "mount -a", though. (Probably expected,
>> just wanted to mention it.)
> Sounds consistent with init scripts not having been registered.

@Axel, what is the output of `rc-update` of the said system?
/etc/init.d/mountall.sh from initscripts is called by OpenRC by default
to handle /etc/fstab.

Confirmation check: if you execute `invoke-rc.d mountall.sh start`
instead of `mount -a`, does it work as well?


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