On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 01:31:28PM -0800, Diane Trout wrote:
> I'm a little worried about just rm-ing previously invalid locations for
> configuration files. Might you have suggestions about how to safely
> clean up dnssec-triggers configuration file mess? (At the very least it
> seems like it should check that a configuration file was actually
> created by it before just deleting it)

Before thinking about cleanup, I'd start by making sure that fresh
installs don't re-create problems. At the moment, purging dnssec-trigger
leaves two keypairs in /etc; and when I rm them manually, and again
install dnssec-trigger, they're back (in addition to the identically
named pair in /etc/dnssec-trigger, which does get cleaned up on purge).
Does that not happen for you?

I think you can assume that files named /etc/dnssec_trigger_* belong to
your package. However I don't understand dnssec-trigger enough to judge
if these will always be autogenerated keys that are rendered obsolete by
the keys in /etc/dnssec-trigger, or if some sysadmin might have replaced
them with his own keys, for some reason. That is, if these are
"configuration files" or just "data" that could equally have been put
into /var/lib/dnssec-trigger for example...


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