On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 09:19:10AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> I think it is fair to ask Julien as the bug submitter to engage here
> either by coming up with new options that none of us have explored or by
> coming up with specific problems. Alternatively it would be reasonable
> for him to ask someone else who has more time to dedicate to this issue
> to step in.
So one thing I think we should ensure is we don't end up uninstalling
systemd without an explicit user choice.

The "init" package has the "Important: yes" control field which as I
understand it tells apt to behave like "Essential: yes", except for not
trying to install the package if it is not installed.

That's not quite enough for our purposes, because apt would still be
allowed to replace systemd-sysv with sysvinit-core, but maybe
systemd-sysv could get that flag as well?

Julian didn't seem to find the idea crazy when we brought that up on


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