On 30/06/2021 18.06, Georges Khaznadar wrote:
I ignored that a statement like "Conflicts: modemmanager" would create
problems with buster->bullseye upgrades. Currently, binary packages
conflicting with modemmanager are: eyes17, python3-expeyes,
firm-phoenix-ware. The first one, eyes17, will be the most used.

So the current buster->bullseye upgrade outcome is not what you would desire:
* eyes17 removed
* modemmanager still installed
* python3-expexes kept at the buster version

This statement was added because boxes of the Expeyes family do not
communicate correctly by their serial link when modemmanager is
installed. I did not investigate further, to know the precise reason of
the incompatibility.

Is this incompatibility still the case with current modemmanager (1.14) in buster?

The number of Expeyes users is currently growing in Kerala (a southern
state of India), and they rely on *eyes17* package, some with a Debian
machine, most with an Ubuntu machine. This community is growing since
Eyes17 box has become an officially encouraged scientific device, to be
distributed to all high schools in the state, together with training.

That's a nice piece of hardware you have there ;-)

However I know better the profile of users who use eyes17: they are
students and teachers, wo interact inside a high school. Then, the link
with Internet is generally provided by some router or some wireless box,
and no modem is used.

I haven't looked into modemmanager at all ... is it possible to "disable" it from the eyes17 side? Deactivating the service might be sufficient? Dropping a conffile somewhere to block it from using certain devices? Diverting the binary away?


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