On Tue, 19 Sep 2023, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

>Then, to test it, I logged in, but all I get is a window with a turquoise
>background, nothing on it. I *can* however see in ps(1) that my session
>(IceWM, kwalletcli) is started; it’s just not transmitted to rdesktop.

It also has funny messages in the ~/.xorgxrdp.10.log file:

[1498607.917] rdpRRGetInfo:
[1498608.022] rdpRRGetInfo:
[1498608.075] rdpCapture: mode 65535 not implemented
[1498608.075] rdpCapRect: rdpCapture failed

On another system, the screen gets mostly black after login,
with a small turquoise strip (see attached screenshot), and
its logfile has other funny messages:

[1494040.566] rdpCapture1: unimplemented color conversion

I’ve used both systems actively till date.

15:39⎜«mika:#grml» mira|AO: "mit XFree86® wär’ das nicht passiert" - muhaha
15:48⎜<thkoehler:#grml> also warum machen die xorg Jungs eigentlich alles
kaputt? :)    15:49⎜<novoid:#grml> thkoehler: weil sie als Kinder nie den
gebauten Turm selber umschmeissen durften?      -- ~/.Xmodmap wonders…

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