I have just rebuilt and uploaded xorgxrdp 0.2.12-1+deb11u1 to bullseye-
security. That should resolve the problem at hand.

However I recommend to keep this bug report open and try to address the
dependency problem between xrdp and xorgxrdp. If you claim that without a
rebuild of xorgxrdp a new upstream version of xrdp would be broken, then this
is a strong indication that xorgxrdp should be more than a recommendation in
Debian terms:

From the Debian Policy "Declaring relationships between packages"

"The Depends field should be used if the depended-on package is required for
the depending package to provide a significant amount of functionality."

If xrdp only works with a specific version of xorgxrdp then this is true in my
opinion and the recommendation should be changed to a Depends.

We had a similar issue with librhino-java and shrinksafe in the recent past.
librhino-java had to declare a versioned Breaks on shrinksafe and shrinksafe
had to add a versioned (Build-)Depends on rhino/librhino-java. In my opinion we
have the exact same situation here. In any case I leave that to the maintainers
of xrdp/xorgxrdp to resolve.



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