On 2/6/06, Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 04:30:46PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> > That could work, though it's odd that Steve gets a shorter time
> > in the chair than others.
> Two month terms offset by a month give 7 people a go at being chair
> at some point each year. It also lets us start sooner rather than later.


I was thinking either (a) start the whole thing at the end of the month
rather than the middle of the month, or (b) start each term on the
15th of a month.

I guess you could argue that (a) is starting later rather than sooner,
but beyond that I don't get it.

> > Also, the handoffs are going to be interesting -- then again, the
> > whole "rotating chair" thing is going to be interesting.
> I don't see how they should be much of a big deal; the chair's mostly
> just first among equals.

Oh, it's certainly doable.  There'll just be a fair amount of gear
shifting (which is basically the point).

> > > (2) Requiring an implementation of proposals
> > > The md5sum "decision" is still languishing after a year and a half, and
> > ...
> > > So I propose we establish a rule that we won't make decisions on issues
> > > that aren't ready for an immediate NMU when we make that decision.
> > I don't know that we need to make a rule about this so much as
> > advertise a guideline.
> I was thinking along the lines of "rules of order", which isn't much
> different from "advertising a guideline". The difference is if we set it
> up as a rule, people can be confident we'll adhere to it, whereas if we
> call it a guideline we might end up spending time wondering if we should
> adhere to it on each issue.

Eh... of course we already have something like this written into the
constitution.  But, sure, a little crisping up would probably be a good

> mail. But as it stands, two months after referring the topic to the ctte,
> rleigh still couldn't tell if there was any resolution. So I think by mid
> to late December he should've been able to cite a first pass statement
> by Ian to the effect of "devmapper should setup inodes with permissions
> 0600, and ownership as root.disk", possibly with a rider that that's
> the chair's opinion not a final decision or whatever, but without any
> devil's advocacy or further questions having already been dealt with.

Ok.  That was already my impression of how things are going, and
I guess you're saying we should be more emphatic earlier in the

> Second change is that I don't think the tech ctte should consider
> unimplemented proposals; so while Bastian's ideas might be great,
> our choice of resolution is "leave it as it is" or "implement rleigh's
> patches"; obviously once Bastian's idea is implemented, it could replace
> either outcome, but until then we have to make a choice between things
> we can do now. That's from issue (2).

Hmm... I don't think we can consider anything but unimplemented proposals.

As a general rule, we're supposed to help solve unsolved problems.

Maybe you meant that we should not consider ambiguous proposals?
I can see that as a weakness of our approach on this issue.



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