On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 03:22:44PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 06:24:49PM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > I agree with the proposal to implement a rotating chair, for the reasons
> > you've given.
> > It seems to contradict 6.1.7 of the constitution as written to have an
> > automatically rotating chair, however.  Are we amending the constitution (no
> > way to get that done by the 15th), or is this just an informal agreement for
> > each chair to vacate after a term of two months?

> That seems easiest; currently the only way to change chairs seems to be by
> the current chair resigning anyway.

> > > (3) Advisory opinions from the chair
> > > So I propose we establish that our procedure in addressing issues is
> > > for the chair to quickly issue an initial opinion; and to only vote on
> > > issues when an official ruling is needed (eg, to overrule a maintainer)
> > > or when members of the tech ctte disagree.
> > Is there a fixed period in which tech ctte members should be expected to
> > comment if they disagree?

> Presumably we can expect any additional comments from other members
> within a few days or a week; but you'd need to ask for a vote before it
> should be taken as absolutely definitive, I'd think.

So I was reviewing the constitution's rules for this committee, and found
some interesting bits that I think are relevant.  Per ยง6.3.1, the voting
period for any draft resolution or amendment is one week, with no minimum
discussion period, and the quorum is only two.  If the chair believes a
particular solution is the correct one, he can therefore propose a
resolution and immediately call for a vote with effectively the same results
as in your proposal here, except that a single vote of support from any
other ctte member can make it an official position of the ctte and no votes
of support from any other ctte members suggests that the "advisory opinion"
should probably be ignored. :)

As such, I'm in favor of having the chair propose such resolutions early and
calling for votes, and dispense directly with any ambiguities regarding
advisory opinions.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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