On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 01:41:58PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> Okay, so here's the alternate proposal. I understand Raul at least
> disagrees with paragraph (3) (and obviously the conclusions based on
> that), but I'm not sure we have any good way of noting that difference
> of opinion -- perhaps we should include the previous draft in the vote?
> Courts and parliamentary committees include minority views (and the
> arguments for them) in their final reports; something like that might
> be worth doing here too.

Given that the constitution does specify the use of the standard resolution
procedure, I think the right answer here is to have a single ballot with
both proposals on it, so that we have an opportunity to rank the options
in glorious Condorcet fashion. ;)

I certainly think devotee is overkill, though; with seven eligible voters,
I'm content to tally the votes by hand.

Given that there's been no formal call for votes on either Raul's proposal
or on this one, then, I think we should take another day for any further
input (additional resolutions, editorial corrections, etc), then put these
on a ballot and call for votes.

> Either way, I propose the following, call for a vote on it, and vote
> in favour:

If you agree with the above, I think we should suspend voting on this
proposal alone in the interest of clarity.

Also, FWIW I believe this should be s/compatability/compatibility/g on the

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/


> 1.  The committee has been asked by Robert Millan, the submitter of
>     Bug#353278 and a former developer, to overrule the decision by the
>     maintainer of the ndiswrapper package, Andres Salomon, to include
>     that package in the main component of the archive, and for it to be
>     moved to the contrib component; and

> 2.  The committee is empowered under section 6.1(4) of the constitution to
>     overrule a maintainer by a 3:1 majority vote, and empowered under section
>     6.1(1) to decide on any matter of technical policy; and

> 3.  The purpose of the ndiswrapper package is to provide an ABI layer
>     on top of the Linux kernel that is compatible with the interface for
>     Windows NDIS drivers, and that in order to provide this compatability
>     layer, no non-free software is required; and

> 4.  The primary use for this compatability layer is to run non-free
>     Windows drivers for hardware not directly supported by Linux, though
>     a very limited number of free drivers using the NDIS format also
>     exist; and

> 5.  The technical policy in this matter states that: (debian-policy
>, section 2.2.1)
>        [...] packages in _main_ 
>           * must not require a package outside of _main_ for compilation or
>             execution
>     and: (debian-policy, section 2.2.2)
>        Examples of packages which would be included in _contrib_ are:
>         * free packages which require _contrib_, _non-free_ packages or
>           packages which are not in our archive at all for compilation or
>           execution, and
>         * wrapper packages or other sorts of free accessories for non-free
>           programs.
> 6.  It is appropriate for the committee to consider this request; and
> 7.  The current ndiswrapper package does not require any non-free
>     software at either compilation time or installation time to fulfill
>     its designated purpose; and 
> 8.  As such the ndiswrapper package complies with current technical
>     policy as regards to its suitability for main; and
> 9.  If the ndiswrapper package come to depend on non-free software at
>     compilation time or installation time, such as by prompting the user
>     for a Windows driver CD, at that time the ndiswrapper package would
>     be required to be moved to contrib.
> 10. The committee endorses the decisions of the maintainer of ndiswrapper
>     and the ftpmaster team in including the package in the main component
>     as being in compliance with Debian technical policy; and
> 11. The committee endorses the existing policy on the suitability of packages
>     for the main and contrib components; and
> 12. The committee offers its thanks to Robert Millan for raising the
>     issue; to Wouter Verhelst and others for their input on the topic;
>     and to Andres Salomon for his ongoing efforts in maintaining the
>     ndiswrapper packages.

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