Colin Watson writes ("Re: CTTE and Developer Buy-in [Re: Bug#727708: init 
system other points, and conclusion]"):
> On Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 01:09:27PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > Obviously that would be embarrassing for us and substantially damage
> > our credibility.  But I don't think it's at all likely.  Do you ?
> I don't know.  That's part of what I'd like to find out. :-)  My concern
> is not so much embarrassment as wasting the project's time and
> democratic effort unnecessarily.

I think holding some kind of straw poll would waste more of the
project's time, than simply making a decision and seeing if anyone
wants to try for a GR.

Such a straw poll would effectively be requesting that
currently-ignorant developers (and I might no slight here - I just
mean people who haven't spent the time to investigate the matter)
should spend enough time to come to a halfway-informed opinion.  It
would also open the project as a whole to campaigning by both camps -
undoing the beneficial effect of the TC's involvement that
debian-devel has mostly been free of init system flamewars.

In practice I would hope that the potential sponsors of an overruling
GR would run an informal poll of their own, to guess how many
supporters they have and assess whether they have a reasonable chance
of success.


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