On Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 02:05:35PM +0100, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> Colin Watson <cjwat...@debian.org> writes:
> > On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 05:50:59PM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> >> On Wed, 01 Jan 2014, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> >> > and I think it'd be a shame if we ended up losing or demotivating a
> >> > good bunch of good developers again.
> >> 
> >> Pretty much every time the CTTE makes a ruling, someone is going to be
> >> annoyed or demotivated. Easy, non-contentious decisions never make it to
> >> us. 
> >> 
> >> If there are concrete ways we can be better at making sure that it's
> >> clear developers concerns are being heard and taken into account which
> >> we are not already doing, I'd certainly like to hear them.
> >
> > Is there any useful way we could take a reasonably quick non-binding
> > straw poll of developers?  Sort of an "if we voted a particular way, is
> > it likely that we would be on the wrong side of developer opinion".
> Maybe someone could setup a vote on vote.debian.org? I have no idea how
> complicated it is (IIRC it is not totally trivial). It might also be
> possible to allow at least DDs and DMs to vote.

Just replying to this bit - Yes, it's technically possible, but non
trivial. I would be willing to put the work in to create a poll if the
tech-ctte asked nicely, but not if any random developer wants one, it's
just too much overhead. This is either for this, or for future work.

I may well get round to looking again at devotee and making it easier to
do polls etc at some point...


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