package: tech-ctte

Following up on #830978. I would like this to be reopened and request
CTTE make a formal vote.

Because, every major web based software will have to be moved to contrib
because its likely at least one of the javascript dependencies are in
browserified form.

1. Diaspora is already moved to contrib because of libjs-handlebars
2. GitLab will need to be moved to contrib #814871
3. Pagure will have to be in contrib #829046
4. Prometheus will need to be moved to contrib #835661

There will be more if we look at all packages depending on javascript
libraries or embedding them.

It is not realistic to expect Grunt will be packaged for stretch or
reimplement the same functionality for all browserified packages.

This will encourage more people to depend on non-free/contrib and I
don't think debian community wants to move in that direction. If that is
really what the community wants, I want it formally declared

I suggest including browserified js in stretch and make an effort to
package grunt for stretch+1.

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