On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 6:46 PM, Philip Hands <p...@hands.com> wrote:

> Pirate Praveen <prav...@debian.org> writes:
> > On 2016, ഒക്‌ടോബർ 3 8:22:20 AM IST, "Joseph R. Justice" <
> jayare...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >>If I have misunderstood in any way Mr. Praveen's position, or if I have
> >>misrepresented in any fashion whatsoever what it is he is trying to
> >>express, then I sincerely apologize for my error.
> >>
> >>Otherwise...  I hope this is of some use, interest, in resolving this
> >>issue.  If it is, then I'm glad I could help.  Thanks for your time in
> >>reading this.  Be well, and thanks for all of y'all's efforts in
> >>creating
> >>Debian!
> >
> > Thank you Joseph, that is a good summary of the situation.
> I think you need to try a little harder than that -- it is still unclear
> to me what you are even attempting to ask for.  Unless that changes I
> would think that the right response to this is to simply close the bug.
> As a bare minimum, try specifying what outcome you are hoping for, with
> respect to which package.

Errr.  Mr. Hands.  Did you perhaps not see Message #15 in this bug log,
which is what Mr's Praveen's message (which you quote) is itself referring
to?  (For the record, I myself wrote Message #15.)

If you did not see this message, you can find it at
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=839570#15 .

If you did indeed see this message, did you perhaps not see the points
labeled (8a), (8b1), and (8b2) in that message, near the bottom of it?
Those points, I believe, clearly signified two alternative outcomes, namely
either (8a) or else [the combination of (8b1) and (8b2) as a set], which I
was suggesting Mr. Praveen was requesting the TC decide between.

Given that Mr. Praveen responded to Message #15 by saying "that is a good
summary of the situation", I believe I can safely say that I have, in fact,
reasonably well expressed what it is he is achieving to desire as an
outcome from this bug.  E.g. he is attempting to achieve either the outcome
described in point (8a), or failing that the outcome described in the set
of points (8b1) and (8b2).  (For what it's worth, I think it's fair to say
that Mr. Praveen has a preference as to which outcome he's like to achieve,
namely that described in (8a).  However, I believe he'd settle for the
outcome described by (8b1) and (8b2) if he cannot achieve (8a).)

As I said in Message #15, "I don't have a horse in this race".  I don't
have a preference as to which of these outcomes comes to pass; it is
irrelevant to me.  I am a disinterested bystander.

I *am*, however, a little offended that you would write, in your response
to Mr. Praveen's response to my Message #15, "it is still unclear to me
what you are even attempting to ask for".  I went to some effort to express
what I believed to be Mr. Praveen's intentions and desires in as explicit
and detailed a fashion as I could achieve.  Given Mr. Praveen's response to
my message, I believe I have in fact reasonably well correctly expressed
and explained what it is he was attempting to express in his original
message opening this bug.  I believe my Message #15 fairly and accurately
represents his position, and what he wants the TC to do.

Therefore, sir, I ask you -- what if anything is unclear to you about the
outcomes expressed in points (8a), or else (8b1) and (8b2), in Message
#15?  I would be happy to try to explain them in a different fashion, or to
attempt to clarify them, if I knew what it was specifically that was
unclear to you.

If you are asking what effect the outcomes expressed in (8a) or else (8b1)
and (8b2) would have on specific packages, well, honestly, I think that
should be self-evident given what I wrote in Message #15 to anyone who read
the entire message carefully and comprehended what was written there.
However, if you need, I will be pleased to explain what I believe the
effect of each of these distinct outcomes, (8a) or else (8b1) and (8b2),
would be on the packages referred to in Message #15 (which is simply the
list provided by Mr. Praveen himself in his original message and the bugs
referred to in his original message).

If there is any further assistance I can provide regarding this matter,
I'll be happy to provide that as well as best as I can.  Just let me know.

Thanks for your time in reading this.  Hope you find it of some use,
interest.  Again, thanks as an end-user and an outside observer for your
(actually, all of y'all's) efforts in creating, maintaining, enhancing, and
promoting Debian.  Be well.


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