Stuart Prescott dijo [Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 12:18:24PM +1000]:
> (...)
> That was perhaps also written before we started to realise that maintainer 
> scripts are actually best avoided as they tend to be complicated, fragile, 
> difficult to do right and make upgrades harder for the package manager. In 
> the intervening two decades, we've gone from "maintainer scripts are cool" 
> to "the best maintainer script is the one that doesn't exist".
> So yes, ignoring errors seems wrong but…
> (...)
> … causing a snowball of errors in an awkward half-upgraded environment is 
> nasty.
> The problem comes when you don't yet have the right tools installed to be 
> able to fix the problem. We see that scenario often enough in #debian where 
> someone has a failed upgrade and we try to collect more information via 
> pastebinit, strace, traceroute, netcat, gdb, etc; we frequently discover 
> that the relevant tool isn't installed and because apt is sufficiently 
> unhappy about broken packages and a half-completed upgrade, you can't ask it 
> to install the tool at that point in time.
> In the upgrade scenario, while you're trying to fix one particular problem, 
> you're also in a completely untested half-upgraded situation and so latent 
> bugs in any number of other tools may also be exposed.
> So while ignoring errors is wrong, so is making it harder to fix them. This 
> isn't a question of absolutes.

I completely agree with Stuart here. Yes, of course, there is a reason
for maintainer scripts to exist, and if they fail to set up things
around the package, of course, the user _needs_ to know something is
off in their system.

But that should happen _very_ seldom. As Stuart says, helping
non-technical users out of this situation can be quite hard, and quite
discouraging for the user. We have to make sure the scripts are as
foolproof as possible — and failing to stop or restart a daemon it
should _never_ cause the system to enter such a state.

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