> * dh_installinit: defaults to "failure to (re)start is failure to
>   configure", but can be overridden with --error-handler; some packages
>   set the error handler to "true" (e.g. apache2, isc-dhcp) or to a custom
>   shell function (e.g. krb5, samba).
>   This is used for LSB init scripts, and for systemd units that have a
>   corresponding LSB init script.
> * dh_systemd_start: unconditionally uses "|| true".
>   This is only used for systemd units that *do not* have a corresponding
>   LSB init script. A dh_installinit-style --error-handler would probably
>   be a reasonable feature request.

Let me add here, that a lot of sysv init scripts I looked at do not
actually return proper error codes in case the service fails to start.
Picking a random example, like anacron, I see for the start action:

    start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/anacron -- -s
    log_end_msg 0

This seems to be a rather common issue among SysV init scripts to signal
a (wrong) return code of 0 even if the service failed.

systemd is much more consistent in that regard as it will report a
failure code if the service failed to start/stop/restart.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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