On 2022-09-26 14:49:15 -0600, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Sean" == Sean Whitton <spwhit...@spwhitton.name> writes:
>     Sean> - you might be lacking the full context of TC-involving
>     Sean> discussions over the past few months, but so far as I can see,
>     Sean> you are asking for us to undo a decision that we only just
>     Sean> made, which doesn't make sense.
> Sean, as someone who has tried to follow this for a while, I'm confused
> by a third thing.
> Doesn't the TC recommendation given additional weight by the RT that we
> not migrate file paths until the dpkg bug has been fixed  make it
> impossible for the pre-conditions for disappearing files to happen?

Indeed, there is a moratorium in place for this case.

> I'd like to make sure that the bug submitter has not identified
> something new here.

I've not seen any new issues appearing since the last round I file bugs.


> >Also, to the bug submitter:
> >needs to be fixed urgently.  Several other equally dire scenarios
> >are listed in https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/MergedUsr under the
> >“merged-/usr-via-aliased-dirs” subheading, albeit only tersely.)
> I think that if you are going to ask for drastic action like you are
> doing, a turse mention on a wiki page is not sufficient documentation.
> Simon's mail got significant attention because he actually worked
> through and documented the situation.
> I and I believe several people who have looked at this situation believe
> that the RT guidance will prevent the issue Simon raised from happening.
> I suspect that if someone were to clearly document a different situation
> that had not previously been considered, people would look at it.
> I'd hope the TC would be open to considering newly documented technical
> problems as an example.
> But because the decision has been made, the bar for blocking things is a
> lot higher at this point than turse descriptions on a wiki page.

Sebastian Ramacher

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