On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 05:05:29AM -0800, Alexander Hvostov said:
> That's changing. Even venerable Pine can read HTML.

Yes, by converting it back into text.  What exactly have you gained in
that overhead?

> Digests should consist of a multipart message, where each part is a
> message/rfc822, containing one of the emails being digested. That avoids
> this problem nicely. This has several other useful benefits, as well.

Right; and message/rfc822 parts contain text, not HTML.

> And it was a fallacy. I understand the popular mail reader Pine is
> _full_ of remotely exploitable buffer overflows.

So is Outlook Express, and most of the other popular proprietary MUAs.
What does that have to do with anything?  Most folks here use Open
Source/Free Software email clients, not proprietary ones such as Pine or
Outlook Express.

> Interestingly, you forget to note that only Microsoft Outlook is
> affected by any of them. As much as you may think otherwise, this is an

You're wrong.  There have been ones that affected Netscape, such as
LoveLetter.  That one would have affected ANY Windows MUA that allowed
use of Windows Scripting in HTML.

I'm sure you'll argue now that this is a Windows problem, not an HTML
problem, but you're missing the point; HTML in email greatly increases
the complexity, and complexity breeds bugs.  It doesn't greatly increase
the communications ability of email, so it makes no sense to put it in

Shawn McMahon         | Every time you walk out of the house
FedEx Services        | with clothes on, you give up freedom
DSS-MCO Security Lead | for temporary safety.

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