On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 05:32:30AM +1100, bob parker said:
> I have html turned off in my MUA, and instantly trash anything with any html 
> tag in it.
> If I was running anything like spamassassin I think I'd train it to do the 
> same, assuming that was possible.

It is, to a point; if they send the right headers, which believe it or
not Outlook Express does, you can flag it with the "CTYPE_JUST_HTML"

I have mine set to put the email halfway to spam, currently; I may raise
it even more.  So far imparting gentle clue to those who transress has
done the trick more often than not.

Shawn McMahon         | Every time you walk out of the house
FedEx Services        | with clothes on, you give up freedom
DSS-MCO Security Lead | for temporary safety.

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