On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 01:26:27PM -0800, Alexander Hvostov said:
> > I have; my MUA ignores ALL HTML markup.  Along with the text between the
> > tags.
> Then the email appears blank?

My mistake; it also ignores the headers.  The email appears in my spam
folder, instead of my inbox, where it gets deleted pretty much summarily
unless the "from" address catches my eye during periodic manual deletion

> > Why not use text, and not create the burden of having _yet_ _another_
> > format to render?
> Like it or not, HTML already exists. Like it or not, HTML is already in
> wide use. Like it or not, HTML is already widely implemented.

Like it or not, text is already standard.  Like it or not, HTML is
widely ignored.

Shawn McMahon         | Every time you walk out of the house
FedEx Services        | with clothes on, you give up freedom
DSS-MCO Security Lead | for temporary safety.

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