On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 03:53:42AM +0200, Ulrich Hansen wrote:
> Am 21.06.2012 um 22:08 schrieb Paul Tagliamonte:
> > As many of you know, we're tragically close to freeze. As a result, the
> > usual process of voting, debating and picking a theme via consensus is
> > not really possible. There was also a distinct lack of interest in such
> > a process, as well.
> I can't believe you are doing this again. 
> After the surreal "vote" for the Squeeze artwork with only a few people 
> knowing about it and only a 48 hour timeframe I thought things would turn out 
> better for Wheezy. But no. Now you just dropped the whole voting.  
> For months there was nothing on this list from your side, and now, suddenly, 
> it is too late for voting. "Tragically". Are you joking?
> I know, this is not a democracy. It's a "do-ocracy" as Stefano Zacchiroli 
> once wrote. But obviously this means: let others do the work but don't let 
> them decide. 
> Why do you even go into the public and call out a contest, if there is no 
> vote?
> Let me quote:
> ---
> Stefano Zacchiroli, 12. Dezember 2011 11:53:15 MEZ
> "We can setup pages to submit proposals as you did for Squeeze,
> and once the template is ready send out a first press release to invite
> submissions. We can relaunch it once or twice at a 1-2 months
> distance. That would allow us to have a reasonable set of proposals for
> the beginning of the freeze and organize for that time a poll."
> ---
> As far as I see it, there is now a reasonable set of proposals and freeze 
> didn't begin yet. So why don't you proceed with that plan?

I missed this in my last reply.

It's because we have *9* days before freeze. That's *9* days to do all
major changes.

That means:

write a theme for KDM, Ksplash, GDM, Plymouth, Splashy, GRUB, Migrate
everyone else (filed two bugs earler against SLiM & ldm-themes) off
spacefun, test it, and upload it.

If you want to hold a vote for longer then 48 hours (let's say 49 just
to be nice), that's still *7* days to implement this, and if you were
able to do it in 1, then that's less then a *week* for people to test
and introduce major changes.

Again, if you want to take this over, please do. If you don't please let
me do my work without being harassed as if I'm some dictator.

> Another quote:
> ---
> Stefano Zacchiroli, 27. Februar 2012 20:59:17 MEZ
> "We haven't yet decided how to do that, but I *guess* it'll either be a vote
> among the people active on -desktop activities, or a public poll among
> users interested into this."
> ---
> I trusted that. I thought this would be the direction things were going.
> > I've picked the "Joy"[1] theme by Adrien Aubourg as the default
> > for Debian 7.0, which features a tasteful, understated and classic
> > look, something that both identifies as Debian while still maintaining
> > an air of professionalism.
> Don't get me wrong. Adrien did a good job. Congratulations for that. 
> And of course I am disappointed that I did all my work for nothing. But 
> whatever I hoped the outcome would be, I never thought that at the end there 
> would be some mail by someone who never even cared about giving feedback or 
> advice here, and that he just decided it, just as a one-man-show, out of lack 
> of time.
> I also didn't expect to be told that people running a community project have 
> a "distinct lack of interest" in voting. 
> No really. Come on. You can't be serious.

Still srsly,


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