Am 22.06.2012 um 10:51 schrieb Adrien Aubourg:

> I can totally understand the frustration of aeveryone here. If it comes to a 
> vote (public or not), be sure that I will accept the result, whatever it is.

If you think a vote would have been a fairer and more respectful way to decide 
about the artworks and the artists who created them - well it's in your hands 
now and in your hands alone. You are the only one who is able to demand a vote, 
because it is your artwork they are using.

And obviously there would be time enough (see Adam Barratt's mail from June 
22nd, 09:19) as long as the d-i gets a nice picture in time before the freeze 
(see Joey Hess's mail from June 22nd, 11:44).

Just packaging something doesn't make it right.

> I don't want to be an element of misunderstanding or disfonction of the 
> desktop 
> choose process.

Yes, me too. But obviously the "processes" here keep pushing us into roles we 
don't want. Paul writes he doesn't want to be a dictator, but unfortunately 
he's acting like one - a "benevolent" one, if someone likes that better. I put 
a lot of time into the work here and wanted to be supportive, but obviously I 
am not and I am not liking that either. So I will now stop making "noise" here. 
A relief for everybody including me ;-). 

Without someone with the power to push it, there will be no vote. There are 
still people who like to have it happen. But I doubt they can get it 
accomplished, now that the "technical crew" took over and is running things as 
they think they must.  

Either way I withdraw my own proposals. They didn't get picked by Paul anyway 
so it's not a big deal. And if there is a need for alternatives or theme 
packages, there are still enough good choices. But the whole process made me 
feel disrespected and I don't like that. Sorry guys. Don't want to be a poor 
loser but as I see it the game has no rules and needs to be fixed.

best wishes

PS: "It will be fixed next time" didn't work last time.

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