On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 11:20:01PM -0600, Richard Stallman wrote:
> I think you ought to apologize, for supporting this mob.  I have
> no reason to apologize for being its victim.

I, on behalf of everyone involved in the GPL KDE fiasco, humbly apologize to
everyone else for the actions, comitted by us, that were wrong, evil, mean,
untactful, arrogant, flamebait, and downright stupid, whether you like it or

I, on behalf of everyone involved in the GPL KDE fiasco, accept your apology,
whether you like it or not.

Now quit filling up my mailbox with flames from old grudges that clearly have
no more significance in the world of coding today.  I demand that for every
further word of flamage on this topic, on *or* off the lists, that the
participant write and release a minimum of ten-thousand lines of
source-available software.  By reading, learning about, referencing, or
otherwise obtaining or not obtaining the information in this message, you
agree to be bound its terms, under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act and/or
the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, whether you like it or not.

Translation: You, yes YOU, that's right, I'm talking to *YOU*!  Shut up and
code!  Shut up and code!  Shut up and code!

(It helps you remember.)

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.
- See the mail headers for GPG/advertising/homepage information.

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