On Sun, Dec 24, 2000 at 09:52:47AM +0100, Sami Dalouche wrote:
> Hi guys,
> > > So my question is: What do you wish for in a package manager?
> > 
> > I agree with Ethan. Start explaining why you want to reinvent the
> > wheel then we maybe has some ideas for things to do when you
> > reinventing for other reasons.
> If I had to change something in the Debian package manager, I would 
> like it to use bzip2 instead of gzip, but this doesn't need a 
> omplete reimplementation. The problem isn't technical, but it's been 

its quite trivial on the level of the packaging system and format,
simply put a .tar.bz2 in the ar archive instead of a .tar.gz

> debated many times. I don't exactly know the problem w/ this compression
> except it saves time ;)
> Anyway, if you think something isn't perfect, you can always help the
> development of Dpkg, or apt.

i think the problem is supporting older machines such as 486s.  bzip2
is horridly slow on this hardware.  and iirc bzip2 takes more memory
(or its slower the less memory you have...)  

since its been discussed before thats all ill say about the subject.

Ethan Benson

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