* Ethan Benson 

| personally the plain text database is one of dpkg's greatest assets.
| its a royal pain to repair a binary database when it gets fscked.  and
| yes i have already been saved from a total reinstall through the
| ability to fix dpkg's broken database with a text editor.

semi-intelligent caching where you check if the text file is newer
than the binary file, if so, you use the text file and write a binary
copy to the binary file.  Else, you just load the binary.  Something
screws up?  Delete the binary file.  Make a conffile somewhere so one
can choose to use just text, if one has serious size constraints.

Saves speed, not very hard to implement (without me having looked at
dpkg's code).


Tollef Fog Heen
Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

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