On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 07:27:57AM -0800, Jim Lynch wrote:

> But in truth, you should be -filing- bugs against things you find
> wrong, for the following reason: not all developers read debian-devel,
> so your concerns, as important as they may be, may or may not reach
> the responsible parties, and without a subject line more suggestive of

Or may see it but not remember about it when they update their package.

It's not like we have a bug tracking system purely for ornamentation -
it's there to help us track bugs.  Given a well defined mechanism for
bringing problems to people's attention it seems silly not to use it.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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