On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Nicholas Lee wrote:

> Which brings up an interesting point.  Doesn't seem to be provision in
> secure-bind for syslog.
> In fact a quick test of the binary deb should its not loggin properly.
> I guess there might be two ways to fixing this:
> i)  get secure-bind to log to syslog via a network socket.
> ii) install /dev/log in /var/secure-bind/dev/log and get syslogd to add
> the following flag: '-a /var/secure-bind/dev/log'.

I thought I put a note about this in README.Debian?  I guess not.  Anyway,
secure-bind will log to syslog if you follow the steps you mentioned

> Which leds to a futher question, is there a generic mechanism in
> debian's default syslog (sysklogd) to tell it to listen on other
> log devices?

Ethan mentioned the method but it cannot be automated which is why I left
it up to the admin.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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