On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 04:40:41PM +1200, Nicholas Lee wrote:
> Sorry missed your response, just picked it up now from the web archive.
> > Are you working with bind 8.X or 9.X?
> Jaldhar H. Vyas mentioned he has something working with 8.2.3.  I was
> only thinking myself with bind8.
> As Jaldhar also mentioned, bind9 isn't something I trust yet. Even in a
> chroot.
> Personally I see no need to replace the bind package.  In fact with the
> use of alternatives on /etc/init.d/bind it should be pretty easy to mix
> them in together.
> Here are some issues though:
> i) /chrootlocation/dev/log and syslod.  No generic simply way to
> automatically add this log socket to syslog set it listens too.
>From my personal debian-bind-chroot howto:

11. Change syslog startup script so that bind can log out of the jail :)
   in "/etc/init.d/sysklogd" change the line

   SYSLOGD="-a /chrootlocation/dev/log"

12.Restart sysklogd: "sh /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart"

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