It really ticks me off when someone:
 1. NMU's one of my packages for a *normal* bug without even thinking
    of checking with me first,
 2. In so doing, manages to BREAK THE PACKAGE and give it a GRAVE BUG
 3. Doesn't bother to fix this bug, creating more work for me than
    if he had just asked me in the first place.

There seems to be a rash of this going on lately.  I'm not pleased.

Marcelo Magallon, I'm talking to you!

So yes, this is why netmaze is broken.

Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Everyone else, please file serious bugs against any packages you find doing
> this.  "Cannot build from source" is exactly what they are, and that's a
> release critical bug.
> 4.0.3-1 will be out when it's ready, which will hopefully be soon.
> On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 08:05:51PM +0200, Adel Belhouane wrote:
> >     I send this e-mail to you because I think you're the person most
> > able to talk about this to debian developer.
> > 
> >     Some debian developers create packages depending on xlibs 4.0.3,
> > but it's not available in sid without including for example a deb line
> > pointing to your packages. I already made one or two bug reports in the
> > past when the very same happened with packages depending on non-available
> > xlibs 4.0.1 but I didn't get any positive answer.
> > 
> >     Would you mind putting a warning on your X Strike Force page
> > telling debian developers to be careful about that, or do you think that
> > since I'm using the unstable distribution I shouldn't find this abnormal
> > and handle it myself (personnally I can, maybe not some others)? I won't
> > protest if so, I'd just like to be told.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > 
> > list of such packages:
> > 
> > merlin-clock
> > freetype-tools
> > freetype2-demos
> > wmsysmon
> > netmaze
> > ssh-askpass-gnome
> > 
> > Adel Belhouane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -- 
> G. Branden Robinson             |   Men use thought only to justify their
> Debian GNU/Linux                |   wrong doings, and speech only to conceal
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   their thoughts.
> |   -- Voltaire

John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             
Sr. Software Developer, Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.
#include <std_disclaimer.h>                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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