OK, I'm rather annoyed.  Recently I'm doing "squash bugs on my packages"
and I have had already THREE that have been broken by NMUs that
occured over the past week.

Not one of the NMUers mailed me before doing that.

Only 1 actually filed a bug with a diff.

Let's review, kids:

Heed the advice therein:

 * Don't fix something that's not broken.

 * E-mail the maintianer.

 * Send in a patch.


 * Always send a diff -u to the BTS with your changes.

Why is this so hard for people?

I've so far had two packages rendered uninstallable (one due to
building against libraries not in the dist and another due to an
OBVIOUS syntax error in postinst) and one rendered unbuildable.  Every
package I've looked at that has had an NMU in the past week has had a
problem.  People could have avoided this by following proper
procedure; none of these NMUs were even necessary.  I wouldn't be so
ticked if those doing the NMUs had done so correctly.

I shouldn't have to add my name to the list of maintainers whose
packages should never be NMUd.  I would rather trust in the competance
of the Debian developers out there to do things right.  Please, reread
the information at that URL and double-check your work.

-- John

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