On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 08:34:04AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
>     Joey> If these tools become widly enough accepted that we think
>     Joey> everyone should have them available by default, we can make
>     Joey> them standard priority.
> In the new universe (debbootstrap, tasksel, etc) where a user might
> never run dselect, what makes sure that in the default configuration,
> standard priority packages get installed?

% tasksel --help
tasksel: invalid option -- -
tasksel [options]; where options is any combination of:
        -t -- test mode; don't actually run apt-get on exit
        -q -- queue installs; do not install packages with apt-get;
                just queue them in dpkg
        -r -- install all required-priority packages
        -i -- install all important-priority packages
        -s -- install all standard-priority packages
        -n -- don't show UI; use with -r or -i usually

IIRC one of those -(r|i|s) is a default...

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

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