El 09 May 2001 15:36:59 -0500, David Starner escribió:

> This is a volunteer organization. No one's going to object if you
> submit bugs on the packages with patches to make iso-8859-15
> versions. (Remember that iso-8859-15 differs from iso-8859-1 by more
> than just the Euro.) (Bugs without patches aren't going to be
> helpful.) But most of us don't have the knowledge or interest to
> make iso-8859-15 fonts, so we aren't going to do it.  (Note that
> Debian has no decent tools to edit Type 1 or Speedo fonts.) If
> you're really concerned about it, then you need to fix it yourself,
> or find someone who can who will.

 I know that Debian is a volunteer organization. After all I'm in the
middle of the NM process ;-) I only want to ask people (or at least
European people) if someone is doing something, or thinks that something
must be done. What I don't want to do is to start fixing those things by
hand, and start thinking how this could be done in spanish debian lists,
while the Germany or French people are doing the same. What I want is
that if something is going to be made, be made by everyone altogether. 


José Carlos García Sogo         Seahorse(-bonobo) developer
jose jaimedelamo eu org         http://seahorse.sourceforge.net

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