Bill Wohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Having the English think that British English is the lingua franca of
>   the computing world is the same as the French thinking that French
>   is the lingua franca of the world. It's only wishful thinking.

And how is that different to Americans thinking that American English is the
only language of the computing world? Pull your head out of your arse (not
your ass, that's a donkey) and take a good look around. The world is much
more than 50 states.

Get an atlas, have a look at how small the US is compared with the rest of
the world. Familiarise yourself with some geography if you're one of the 14
percent or so who can't point at the US on a world map.[1]

>   Therefore, without emotion and with a pragmatic hand to guide me, I
>   feel that English should be an alias for en_US.

s/without emotion/with typical American patriotism/

So was your message supposed to be serious, or are you just trolling?

Sam Couter          |   Internet Engineer   |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |   tSA Consulting      |
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