27.09.2001 pisze Bill Wohler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

>   If a multi-billion dollar company whose employees have all learned
>   British English decide that their documentation should be in
>   American English, that's saying something.

That's saying nothing. Debian IS NOT multi-billion dollar company.  It
has no employees and has no possibility to enforce anything. Many
Debian developers (especially non-native English speakers) use another
common English dialect, i.e. Bad English (this is e.c. my case). Is it
saying anything?

best regards,

[ Miros/law L Baran, baran-at-knm-org-pl, neg IQ, cert AI ] [ 0101010 is ]
[ BOF2510053411, makabra.knm.org.pl/~baran/, alchemy pany ] [ The Answer ] 

      LIBRA (Sep. 23 to Oct. 22)
              Your desire for justice and truth will be overshadowed
              by your desire for filthy lucre and a decent meal. Be
              gracious and polite. Someone is watching you, so stop
              staring like that.

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