On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 10:53:06AM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> Several emulators (apple2, atari800, gnuboy, gsnes9x, gtkiemu, nestra
> pose, uae, vice, and xtrs) from contrib should also move to main
> immediately then, as you can't argue that there will never be free
> ROMs for those either. Further, they could be educational.
> Does this sound absurd yet?

Not to me.  As long as these packages had a debconf note that warned of
the problem, I wouldn't consider it a big deal.  These packages are all
priority "extra", right?

In fact, I would consider it acceptable in general to move everything in
contrib to main as long as it each package was forced to be priority
extra until it was suitable for general-purpose use as packaged in main
(including any dependencies, of course).

OTOH, I don't feel passionately about it, so if people are wedded to the
concept of the "contrib" distribution, so be it...

G. Branden Robinson                |      "To be is to do"   -- Plato
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      "To do is to be"   -- Aristotle
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      "Do be do be do"   -- Sinatra
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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