On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 01:57:17AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>       As debian "caught up" on versions, CDRToaster became
>       increasingly buggy. The last modification that I saw to it over
>       a year ago was to let it support > 8x CDR drives. I personaly
>       took the time to patch it and send out a patch. I never saw it
>       in debian until the upstream included it approximatly 2 motnhs
>       later. This is too long of a timeframe for a simple patch to
>       take to "fix" something. Now this was a feature enhancement and
>       was easy to accept that it took a bit to get back into debian.

It seems perfectly reasonable to punt patches that aren't Debian
specific to upstream.  It helps both upstream and the Debian maintainer
if everyone is working off the same version of the package, particularly
when Debian users try to go upstream for support.  Slow release cycles
already create enough hassle with that without starting to modify the
package under upstream.

Where upstream is inactive or unresponsive things are a little
different, of course.

"You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever."

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