W liście z pon, 12-08-2002, godz. 18:13, Adam Heath pisze: 
> Er, you say free, but are restricting me to only use what is listed in the
> depends. 
I am not really restricting you to anything. You're free to create your
own java devel environment. It's all free software and I can't really
make any pressure on you (than just to give you something useful).

> So, you keep extending the depends, to include alternatives for all free java
No. I don't plan to extend Depends. 

> programs.  You are still restricting, because I may want to use part free,
> part non-free.
Yes, you can. And I am not restricting you to anything. You're free to
for ex. copy mine /usr/lib/fjsdk tree to your home and alter it to your
needs. If there will be some serious/common reason of altering it - then
why not incorporate it in free-java-sdk?

It is not meant to be "alternatives for Java" package. The idea is
different. Idea is to give developer
- coherent
- complete,
- working,
- free,
- compatible,
- integrated
development evironmet (wow!)

And I take the responsibility that these tools will work (I don't say
that I will not _change_ depends - when some other tools are proven to
perform better). I create wrappers where needed. I work out the
incompatiblities where wrappers are not enough, etc...

By creating such package I kinda promise to keep this suit full of good,
free tools.

> In summary, while the idea of this package sounds good, I don't think it can
> ever really be useful.
Oh yes. It is best how it is now. Every developer loves to spend hours
trying different combinations of tools just to find out a working one.
Been there - done that.
No thanks.

Let's say it different. If $developer has time and motivation to try his
own suit that works for his packages - that's fine, he's free to do it.
But if $developer wants things to 'just work' - he should first try this

I hope we soon see new common kind of bugs claiming "$package should be
build with free tools and moved to main" tagged 'patch'.
That's won't happen just by itself and it won't happen tomorrow.

But that's THE direction - don't you think?

Best regards

                                        Grzegorz B. Prokopski

PS: I forgot to mention in the original report - Depend: fastjar - gives
us 'jar' tool.
PSS: I am Cc:ing d-java this time. The original report can be read at
http://bugs.debian.org/156407 (of course)

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