On 12 Aug 2002, Grzegorz Prokopski wrote:

> Facts that caused that I have choosen this set of tools.
> * kaffe
>   It contains it's own JAVA_HOME environment, so it wouldn't make sense
>   to just copy it. If you can build with kaffe - then stick with
>   it and don't use free-java-sdk. However - be careful about licenses -
>   see below.

Huh?  Speak english, this makes no sense.

> * kaffe and other GPL-licensed JVMs can only be used with GPL compatible
>   software (i.e. no Apache style licenses!). See
>   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#IfInterpreterIsGPL
>   Not to mention that kaffe's classlib is GPL [1]

So?  It's still free.

> * other LGPL licensed JVMs that use GNU Classlib
>   I tried them and... they couldn't load .zip'ed or .jar'ed classes
>   (do you imagine doing 'decompress .jars to /tmp before execution' in
>    'java' wrapper?!)
>   I have not actually expirienced this, but I was told, that some of
>   free JVMs, that have JIT engines - have seriosu and still not solved
>   problems with JIT.

add jar to classpath, done.

> * gcj - nice, but how do I use it? ;-)
>   gcj can produce Java code, but you have to run the result somewhere
>   this is even worse with software that uses for ex. ant to compile -
>   you need to be able to run ant to compile them!
>   I know gcj can compile to native code (on x86 platform only AFAIK) -
>   but we didn't even agree (in java policy) how such packages should
>   be named (let alone other problems and basic question: 'is this still
>   java?').

Read the docs.

gcj doesn't produce java code.  It compiles it, to either .class, or .o.  It
can also compile .class to .o.

gij is a full interpeter; it can run .class and .jar files.  It can also load
libraries as jar files.

> I don't claim that SableVM (http://www.sablevm.org/) is world's best
> JVM.  But it has some features that caused the decision:
> - is LGPL (no potential licensing problems)
> - uses GNU Classpath (active upstream and GPL+linking exception)
> - is Java bytecode interpreter (can even be debugged with gdb)
>   which is proven to be solid

same for gcj, and kaffe, I hear, if you enable some options.

> - it's upstream is really interested in having robust and widely used
>   JVM [2], not only another research tool for students
> - it is written in pure C, should be very easily portable to other
>   architectures (currently it supports x86, not sure about alpha, but in
>   few months sparc support should be added)

kaffe and gcj are already heavily ported.  kaffe has been ported to several
cell phones, and other embeddable devices.

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