W liście z pon, 12-08-2002, godz. 21:22, Adam Heath pisze: 
> So, what about kaffe?  What about gcj?  Why are you saying that sable is
> better than these others?

Below I am forwarding parts of a mail from sablevm author,
Etienne M. Gagnon

> > I also looked at porting abilities - I think that one day per arch
> > may be sufficient to get it working. Let's count - two weeks and we
> > have all Debian's arches working! ;-)
> I've seen some of the follow up comments to your post.  Regarding
> 'gij': by looking very quickly at its interpreter.cc source file, I
> detected important race conditions (for multithreaded apps).  Part of
> my Ph.D. thesis will discuss how to implement a Java bytecode
> threaded-interpreter without causing race condition (and without over
> synchronizing).
> Also, SableVM implements the invocation interface, and has clean
> support for native code through the "standard" JNI interface.  Now,
> GIJ's people main objection to JNI (instead of their custom CNI) is
> that it is slow.  Yet, even though they have potential race
> conditions, and their use of CNI, SableVM is at least 2X faster than
> GIJ on all benchmarks I've tested.
> This goes without talking about the limitations of CNI.  It is
> *incompatible* with: moving collectors, bidirectional object layout,
> long running CNI code (because a request for GC would wait
> indefinitely and possibly lockup the VM). etc.
> I have no difficulty whatsoever to compare SableVM with GIJ.  SableVM
> supports: "moving collectors", "moving/growing stacks", long
> running/sleeping JNI code, precise garbage collection, no race
> conditions in the core interpreter engine (as far as I know), precise
> exceptions with line numbers even in presence of an inlined-threaded
> interpreter, its "switch0threaded" engine is written in pure
> ISO/POSIX, the only extention used for direct/inline-threading is that
> of "labels-as-values" which presumably can be emulated on non-GCC
> compilers using "inline assembly", etc.
> > 3. having some optional JIT (even for x86) - I saw some discussion
> > having JIT written in Java and itegrated with sable - is anyone
> > on it?
> Starting in the fall, yes.  There's the whole Sable project (which has
> brought the Soot bytecode analysis framework to the world) behind
> SableVM.  This means at least 3 faculty-researcher and their graduate
> and undergradute students.
> I am incidently teaching a graduate course this Fall. Students will
> have the option of making SableVM related course projects.  Of course,
> a JIT is bigger that one course project, but is "speed" the only
> important thing?  Isn't robustness (no race conditions, memory
> corruption, etc) first on the list?  It seems many JVM implementors
> put more energy into "speed" rather than "robustness".  SableVM is the
> other way around, robustness (with acceptable speed) goes first.
> The current version has ample room for for improvement (e.g. managing
> thread-local heaps to reduce the amount of synchronization; currently
> every instance creation (NEW) causes "fat" pthread_mutex_lock
> synchronization).  Even thoug, it achieves a comparable performance to
> that of JDK1.4 "java -Xint" interpreter (e.g. fatser on some
> benchmarks, slower on others).  Now, everyone knows that Sun's
> interpreter has sections written in assembly (I can't assert so, not
> having seen the source code, at it would conflict with clean-room
> status).  It is >2X faster than JIG without taking shortcuts (CNI,
> missing synchro, no handling of runaway native code, etc), and has, in
> my "humble" opinion, much more readable source code.  It is sometime
> 10X faster than Kaffe's "intrp" engine (which is heavily used by
> reasearchers that do not want to get into modifying a compiler to test
> their ideas).  It is far more easily portable than the JikesRVM, even
> though the later is written in Java, because you don't have to modify
> 3 compilers(!) to port it to a new platform.
> Sorry, I had to get it out;-)
> Etienne
> -- 
> Etienne M. Gagnon                    http://www.info.uqam.ca/~egagnon/
> SableVM:                                       http://www.sablevm.org/
> SableCC:                                       http://www.sablecc.org/

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