> Received: from sphinx.rz.tu-clausthal.de
> Received: from mailout01.sul.t-online.com (mailout01.sul.t-online.com
> Received: from fwd04.sul.t-online.de
> Received: from bombadil.xmldesign.de ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

that obviously is the copy of the mail i sent to you directly.
it never used a debian server. me, t-online, tu-clausthal.


        erich@(mucl.de|debian.org)        --        GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C
                There are only 10 types of people in the world:
                Those who understand binary and those who don't
        Die kürzeste Verbindung zwischen zwei Menschen ist ein Lächeln.
                    Der Wissende weiß, dass er glauben muß.

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