On Mon, 2002-08-19 at 11:34, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 05:18:52PM +0200, Arvid Warnecke wrote:
> > I try to unsubscribe from this list for about a week now. I just got the
> > message that I am no member of the list anymore, but still get the
> > mails. I tried to unsubscribe again, but I got the message, that this is
> > not possible because I am no member.
> > Why do I still get the mails?
> Read the instructions at the bottom of each message that you receive from this
> list.

Which he obviously did, given that he stated that he unsubscribed once,
apparently successfully, still received mails, and then tried again, and
the list said he wasn't subscribed.


"This particular group of cats is mostly self-herding." -- Bdale Garbee

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