As discussed previously, I'll be filing bugs against any source or
binary packages which still depend on the obsolete xlib6g* packages.
These will be normal severity for now, but will be raised to serious
severity (for source packages) or grave severity (for binary packages)
once these packages disappear.

The currently affected packages include:

Source packages: 3dchess, ax25-tools, bbdate, cheops, chimera2, clara,
clips, cpanel, crossfire-client, dfm, directory-administrator,
doxygen, ecawave, erlang, everybuddy, evolver, floatbg, geg,
gkrellm-mailwatch, gkrellm-radio, gkrellm-volume, gkrellmwireless,
gkrellweather, gmgaclock, gnome-ruby, gnome-system-tools, gretl,
gtkfontsel, icon, ion, ircii-pana, karpski, mp, nase-a60, nte,
octave-forge, openuniverse, openvrml, pcmcia-cs, pdl, postilion,
qbrew, rat, roxen, sabre, scrot, smurf, sourcenav, stardic,
svncviewer, sylpheed, sylpheed-claws, synaesthesia, vnc, vstream,
wmix, wmmon, wmmount, wmusic, workman, x2vnc, xarchon, xautolock,
xbreaky, xbuffy, xcal, xcin2.3, xeji, xflip, ximian-setup-tools,
xinput, xinv3d, xjig, xkbsel, xli, xlife, xmailbox, xmms-crossfade,
xmms-status-plugin, xmountains, xmpi, xpat2, xplanet, xscavenger,
xsok, xtet42, xzoom

Source packages specifying xlib6g-dev|xlibs-dev (in that order):
buici-clock, gmod, phaseshift, tclx8.2, tclx8.3, wdm, xlassie.  These
will have wishlist bugs filed asking them to reverse the order.

Binary packages (excluding those in source packages listed above):
axyftp-gtk, axyftp-lesstif, codebreaker, gfpoken, glbiff, glotski,
gnome-think, gnosamba, gtk-theme-switch, gwm, gwml, libvdkbuilder-dev,
libvdkbuilder2-dev, lightspeed, mountapp, multimon, oneliner, perspic,
quickplot, sclient, spacechart, vdkbuilder, vdkbuilder2, wmmatrix,
wmmoonclock, xaw3dg-dev, xcin2.3, xdigger, xdkcal, xgraph, xsol,
xtoolwait, xtranslate, xtv.

These lists don't include packages from contrib or non-free.

The proposed text for a source package bug:

(This is an automatically generated bug, based on the current contents
of the Sources file for the main section.)

This source package contains a build dependency on xlib6g-dev.  This
needs to be updated since the xlib6g* packages will disappear by the
time of the next release.

Be aware that, in addition to xlibs-dev, you may also need to specify
libxaw7-dev.  Also, if your source package uses imake, you will need
to specify xutils as well.

The proposed text for a binary package bug:

(This is an automatically generated bug, based on the current contents
of the Packages file for the main section.)

This package still depends on xlib6g; this needs to be updated since
the xlib6g* packages will disappear by the time of the next release.
(If this was pulled in by ${shlibs:Depends}, all you should need to do
to fix this bug is rebuild the package.  However, if your source
package is missing Build-Depends, you may need to add these for the
autobuilders to work.)
Daniel Schepler              "Please don't disillusion me.  I
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    haven't had breakfast yet."
                                 -- Orson Scott Card

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