On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 02:31:03PM -0800, Daniel Schepler wrote:
> > > Binary packages (excluding those in source packages listed above):
> > > wmmoonclock, xaw3dg-dev, xcin2.3, xdigger, xdkcal, xgraph, xsol,
> >                                                              ~~~~
> > I'm not sure how you gather that data, but xsol binary package is built from
> > the xsol source package...
> Umm, xsol wasn't "listed above"...  "xsok" in the source package list
> was not a misspelling.

I know. I went back and reread the whole post. It's confusing. :)

(Anyhow, I knew about xsol's dependency for months if not years now. It'll
get fixed eventually, it's a tiny little package so it doesn't quite deserve
much attention.)

> BTW, let me register my preference that people don't Cc me on replies
> to the list.

It would help if you had your MUA insert a header to tell other people's
MUAs to do that, otherwise you depend on humans to do it.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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