#include <hallo.h>
* Branden Robinson [Fri, Nov 22 2002, 03:50:08PM]:

> > > > On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 02:20:04AM -0800, Jim Lynch wrote:
> > > > > (1) Why are you blatently insulting people on the lists?? 
> > > > 
> > > > Why are you blatanly misspelling "blatant"?
> >                 ^^^^^^^^
> > 
> > Ahh, the irony. :-)
> Sssshhhh!  You're not supposed to notice that!

Bullshit. Making noise about spelling errors is extremely unpolite
(with few exceptions). Making fun this way is a sign of personal
problems. Doing this again and again, even trying to make this look as
a harmles 'joke' shows the critical level. Please go away, learn
something about tolerancy and come back when you can discuss sanely.
Stop spamming this list with useless "jokes", "just comments" and
flames, targeted to heat polemic discussions.

> (At least I snared Eduard first, but that's too easy.)

LOL. I guess you are already preparing an answer to point at all my
mistakes in the sentences above. Feel like a hero!

thinking about implementing scorefile support in mutt.
No Jolt and no Musik makes Alfie go crazy ...
                    -- kw in #debian.de

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