On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 02:08:54AM -0800, Jon Kent wrote:
> Rather than bother arguing the point again, heres an interesting link:
> http://www.distrowatch.com/stats.php?1#04
> The shows that the top 4 Distributions are:
> 1) Mandrake
> 2) Red Hat
> 3) Gentoo
> 4) Debian

Well, here's another link:


1. Debian
2. Knoppix
3. SuSE

So what? (oh, and Gentoo was in the list, too[1]. They are even the best
> Now that we have X 4.2.1 in testing, maybe its a good
> time to do a point release? Get stable up to date, as
> testing is fairly up to date and seems stable at least
> on my boxes (x86).  Radical thinking I know ;-)
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. There's no
problem in other distributions to step up, compile KDE3 with whatever
compiler, optimize for i686, use PGI, include X4.2.1 and call it
'Desktop Debian' or whatever. Hell, you could perhaps make a lot of
money that way. *We* will release when we are ready[tm].

> Whats really important here is not Gentoo and how its
> doing today, but Debian and how its starting to be
> perceived as outdated and outmoded and not the
> techie's choice anymore.

And that's news exacttly since when? 1999?


[1] http://www.linux-magazin.de/Artikel/ausgabe/2002/12/award/nominees.html

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