On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 02:08:54AM -0800, Jon Kent wrote:

> http://www.distrowatch.com/stats.php?1#04
> The shows that the top 4 Distributions are:
> 1) Mandrake
> 2) Red Hat
> 3) Gentoo
> 4) Debian

No, it doesn't.  It shows that the most frequently viewed distribution pages
on distrowatch.com are:

1) Mandrake
2) Red Hat
3) Gentoo
4) Debian

And the sample size is approximately 56000 page views.

> Now that we have X 4.2.1 in testing, maybe its a good time to do a point
> release? Get stable up to date, as testing is fairly up to date and seems
> stable at least on my boxes (x86).  Radical thinking I know ;-)

If you had lived through a stable Debian release cycle, you would realize
that what you are asking for is not a point release.

> You may not care about people's perception, but that was due, partically,
> to UNIX's down fall when MS turning up with Windows.  Everyone perceived
> UNIX to be complex and where quite happy to dump it in favour of NT.
> Perception, unfortunately, counts for a lot, technical excellance gets
> forgotten.  Its crap I know, but that the way of the world.

Your version of computer history is rather twisted.  Care to provide a

 - mdz

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