And I'm sure everyone really appreciates that kind of arrogance. You've 
just exemplified the very reason why people aren't burning effigies of 
me at the moment. Last time I checked (unless I'm completely off here), 
users much preferred real progress over pretentious bureaucracy. I 
really don't care whether you want to give over maintainership to 
anyone, and me making the NMU was never meant to influence that even in 
the slightest, and I don't deny that it was wrong to rush an upload of 
xscreensaver like that. In the meantime, people seem to be perfectly 
happy with the packages I do maintain.

Effort. It's a wonderful thing.

P.S. I was referring to LogJam not being updated in a year and a half.

> And at this point, even though I'd *love* to turn xscreensaver
> maintenance over to someone I don't like, I still don't think I want 
> you maintaining something I type my password into on a regular basis
> until you learn to play well with others.

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