On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 02:18:04AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > Maintainers or developers do not have a say on how translations are
> > done except for gettext sintax errors. If you do not like how a
> > translation team works, but you do not understand the language,
> > tough luck.
>       If this is a turf war between translators and developers; then
>  the person with upload rights shall win. 

Yes. Probably.

>       As a package developer I hold veto powers over anything
>  shipped in my package, since it is my signature that goes with it,
>  and I am responsible for all bugs. 

You do hold upstream responsible for the bugs in their software right? From
my point of view, same should go for translators. Translation-related bugs
should be the responsibility of the translation teams (and should be
forwarded to them). Some other projects (like GNOME [1] or KDE [2])
understand this and the translation (l10n work) translators get access to
the source code CVS and whatever they do gets merged with the programs if
it "works" (syntactically correct, compiles, etc..)

>       I suggest you tune down the confrontational tone.

There's no such tone in my emails. The way people (from Spain) speak
spanish, however, is sometimes read/heard/seen as crude or even rude (even
in other spanish-speaking countries). 
Another cultural difference (*shrug*)

(Friendly) Regards


[1] http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gtp/
[2] http://i18n.kde.org/
Well, KDE goes so far as to have a separate CVS tree, that's why all the 
KDE i18n stuff is provided in different packages in Debian (they are 
provided in different tar.gzs upstream)

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