On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 07:17:50PM +0200, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> >     As a package developer I hold veto powers over anything
> >  shipped in my package, since it is my signature that goes with it,
> >  and I am responsible for all bugs. 
> You do hold upstream responsible for the bugs in their software right? From
> my point of view, same should go for translators. Translation-related bugs
> should be the responsibility of the translation teams (and should be
> forwarded to them). Some other projects (like GNOME [1] or KDE [2])
> understand this and the translation (l10n work) translators get access to
> the source code CVS and whatever they do gets merged with the programs if
> it "works" (syntactically correct, compiles, etc..)

This is fully right.  Some Debian projects work this way (I know debian-www,
debian-installer and debian-doc, are there others?) and it eases everyone's


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